
 Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, March 16, 2009

Humiliated at Golds Gym

So many of my close friends think I should blog about this. Let me set the setting....

I went to my usual gym for a body pump class ( lifting weights). It was packed full of lady's!!!! I love to be in the front so I can see myself body pump!!!!
It was towards the end of the class. The bar full of weights was on my back. My hands were holding it in place. I needed to cough really bad so I did. To my surprise flem came flying out and laded on the mirror in front of all the body pumpers!!!!!! I was so red and up set, I grabbed my jacket cleaned it off and few out of their. Sadly, I can not show my face in the body pump class anymore. Iam humiliated!!!!!
Cant believe this happened to me. Now Iam known as the gross flem pregnant lady

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The snot rocket made the blog. That's the best story.
