
 Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

17 Weeks and Counting

The baby and I have made it to our second trimester!!!!!
Baby is now the size of an avocado and will be doubling in size within the next 2 weeks.
Everyone told me to include the many baby books Iam reading the second trimester is a breeze. NOT FOR ME!!!!!
It seems I have delayed signs of pregnancy. I know this will only last a little while and the end result is a little piece of Ryan and me.
Ryan and I are having a blast watching my tummy grow everyday. The rubber band trick no longer works ladies.

My next Dr. Apt is March 24 to find out the gender of the baby. Most people to include my father think its a boy. We shall see family.... to be continued


  1. OMG!! You look adorable! I am so happy for you guys!

  2. Michaela Bear, you look amazing! This is what I look like NOT pregnant! Can't wait to see you again so I can rub that little tum tum of yours! HUGS, Tina
